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5 star

Shofuro Matsuya
4.8/56 Reviews

Shofuro Matsuya

このたび塩原温泉を始めて利用させていただきました。 日帰りで利用したことはありましたが宿泊するのは松屋さんが初めてでした。 宿に到着するなりスタッフさんがダッシュで駆けつけてくれ車の移動をしてくださいました。車内が汚かったのでちょっぴり恥ずかしかったです。 旅館は4階建てでフロントがあるのは2階。てっきり1階だと思っていたのですが温泉旅館に多い1階は大浴場という構造になっています。 ラウンジでは無料でコーヒーなどをいただくことができます。 深めのソファーに腰を鎮めると気持ちよさに思わず眠ってしまいそうでした。 夕食は個室でいただくスタイル(朝食も)。 とにかく量が多くお品書きをみながら口にする幸せ。メニュー表記載の温泉地ビールを飲みたかったのですが現在扱っていないみたいで残念でした。 温泉は大浴場と露天があります。 今回はお風呂付の部屋ではなかったのでこの2つのお風呂のみの利用となりました。 温泉につかっていると目に入った謎の吊り橋。 後から知ったのですがその先には岩風呂と呼ばれるお風呂があったらしいのですが一昨年前の大雨で付近の岩が落石の危険性があることから利用できなくなったようです。露天風呂もいいのですがさらに自然を間近に感じられる野性味あふれる岩風呂利用したかっただけにかなり残念です。早く再開できることを祈っております。 最後に朝食についてきたフルーツのデザートですがフォークが無かったのでお箸でいただきました。箸だと食べづらいのと他の食材の香りが移ってしまうのでフォークなどを用意してくださると嬉しいです。 また利用するかと思いますがその際はよろしくお願いします。

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Nogi Onsen Hotel
3.6/54 Reviews

Nogi Onsen Hotel

Nasushiobara|9.81km from city centre
A hotel that seems to have been built during the bubble period, standing in the middle of the city. Looking at the number plate of the car, I get the impression that there are many visitors to the hot spring for a day trip. Go up the escalator and go to the front desk. The lobby was spacious with a free tea vending machine. The room was spacious and similar to a regular hotel room. There are also tea cakes, and there is also a ryokan-style aspect. The meal itself is kaiseki cuisine. There is nothing brand new at a reasonable price, and it is very ordinary. The dishes for elementary school children were very large, with appetizers, hamburgers, and crab cream croquettes. I was told that it was rice with matsutake mushrooms, but the presence of shimeji was so big that I didn't know where it was. I wonder if the last sweet potato mousse was distinctive. The large communal bath is spacious, and you can relax in both the indoor and outdoor baths. There is also a small sauna and cold water bath. As it is written as 100% source, you can see that the skin becomes smooth. The water was a little hot, but the children were in it all the time, so it might be the right temperature. Two types of shampoos were installed, and soap made at the hot spring was also placed. The bathing time is 24 hours and cleaning is done early in the morning, after that it is free to enter. Breakfast is buffet style. There were too few side dishes, and it was a bit different from the reviews. This is also a normal buffet dish, nothing special to mention. My companion was eating curry, but he said it was a commercial curry without ingredients. Imagine a breakfast at a business hotel. However, the venue for breakfast and dinner is the lounge on the top floor, so the view is outstanding. Judging by whether it will come again, it is subtle. Because there are no hotels in the area and no competitors, the service is minimal. My companion said that just putting coffee in the tea vending machine would make the customers more happy, and the elderly would be happy if they carried their luggage. For now, let's take advantage of the convenience of being in the city.
Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Hotel New Shiobara
3.7/524 Reviews

Ooedo Onsen Monogatari Hotel New Shiobara

Hotel New Shiobara, which I often saw in CM when I was small. I wanted to go, so I made a reservation on weekends. It was a crowded day because it was Saturday and Sunday. When I checked in, it was a big crowded and I was impressed with a pretty dense impression, but I don't think I'm going to make a noise, and I think I'm going smoothly. I was thinking of booking a rental bath, but it was the last 1 at the receptionist around 15:20. I thought it was a very narrow gate. But if you actually use it, you'll be convinced. Is it okay to use it as a wide 々?? I had a relaxing time with my family. I booked a corner room in Yusen go, but I regret not seeing word of mouth. The movement in the building was very difficult. 3 buildings stand adjacent to each other, but they are on different floors for each building, so where are they now?? (for example, if you think you were in B1, the destination is 4F). I walked quite a bit because I moved from the room to the rental bath from the end of the building. Is the room renovated, very beautiful, and the cleaning is well done. The washbasin is also wide 々. It was a refrigerator with a freezer, so the master said that you can put ice! The bath is fun with various types of public baths for each building. I went to the hot water with my child, but I was surprised and surprised. I couldn't see the last step, and it was a little dangerous, but I told you that I was in the first place. The child was the first experience of standing hot water, but I was surprised. But it seemed to be fun. The meal was Viking. There were many family members. Some people were drinking, but there was no impression that it was too noisy. Because there is a cart, it seems convenient because the family can carry a lot of trays. However, it was sometimes disturbed by the passage because it was placed in the passage. There was a procession in the sashimi, but personally the boiled food system was delicious. I was able to eat Hagendatz, but the staff thought it was great to be greeted with a smile despite being busy. I think it was crowded, but there are more crowded days, and it is difficult to get hard ice. It's a hard work. The store was good as a wide 々. It was impressive that the shop was urging the child of elementary school and junior high school to wear the mask on the jaw and to wear it properly. It may be natural that the staff will respond with a smile and be careful, but I thought it was great. The hotel was good and I couldn't do much sightseeing around, so I wanted to visit again.
Kansuien Kakuraku
4.7/526 Reviews

Kansuien Kakuraku

Nasushiobara|2.4km from city centre
エントランス横の庭にには椿が咲いていてとてもキレイでした。赤い椿は女風呂の庭でも咲いており、見頃で華やかでした。 チェックインの手続きをした後、お抹茶とお饅頭を美しくロビーラウンジにていただきました。ロビーラウンジは木のぬくもりが感じられました。 和室のキレイな部屋は広縁も兼ねているようで、藤の椅子とテーブルもありました。 部屋の鍵二本あり、またお部屋もお菓子は二種類です。 また洗面所には、化粧水など男女用が置かれています。 お風呂の温泉は、少しだけ硫黄の香りを感じました。ヒノキの露天風呂は大きいです。 内風呂も大浴場です。 洗面エリアにはオールインワンなどが置かれています。 つれあいは、男湯の浴槽の手すりのあるところから入ったら、浴槽下の排水管にでっぱりがあり、強打して足を痛めてしまったと言ってました。 「宿の人に電話で伝えれば。」と言ったら、とりあえずアンケートに「状況と交換が必要では。」と書いていました。 夕食は小さな個室でいただきました。春を感じさせるどの品も美しく、美味でした。 魚介のサラダにはあんこうものっていて、サウザンドレッシング(?)と良く合いました。 つれあいは、「お刺身が新鮮で美味しいですね。」と仲居さんに告げていたら、隣県福島からの取寄せとのことでした。しのぎのお蕎麦はこんにゃく麺とのことてすが、こんにゃくとは分からずでした。 お酒は300ccで1100円もあり、何本か頼みました。 2時間くらいかけてゆっくり、夕食を楽しみました。 夕食後は、ラウンジで食後酒やルイボスティーなどが置かれてました。 カカオ焼酎やコーヒー焼酎があり、ほんの少しテイスティングしてみたら、なかなか良い味でした。 つれあいは、「カティサークなんて懐かしいなぁ。」とウイスキーを飲んでました。 ルイボスティージャスミンティー チョコクッキーや、柿の種などのおつまみもありま 朝食も個室にて、美味しくいただきました。 チェックアウトの時に、つれあいが男風呂のお風呂の底の手すりのあたりの排水管の蓋の不具合(でっぱっている?)につき、足のひら(下)を強く打ったとお宿の方に告げました。 普段は何が起きても何も言わないつれあいが言った位なので、よほど打った時に痛かったのだろうと思います。 お宿の方はその不具合についてはすでに把握している、しかし、構造上、直せないとの事で、「痛い思いをさせて、すみません。」とお詫びの言葉がありました。 今回は踏んで痛いで済んだものの、足の弱い方だともっと大変な事になるかもしれません。今後、何らかの対策をしていただければと思います。

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Family friendly

Myogaya Honkan
3.5/53 Reviews

Myogaya Honkan

It was an inn that I was interested in because the hot springs have a good reputation for a long time and the scenery of the open-air bath on the riverbank is wonderful. This time, I stayed because of travel support. I thought it was a long-established and venerable inn, but looking at the building alone, it feels like a standard inn that is a little old. There are very few employees. That's why there is not enough service to compliment, and the food is a little disappointing, such as the assortment and taste. (Only rice was delicious) Considering the service and food, may the accommodation fee be cheaper? That is the true intention. However, the hot springs, which are famous, have no complaints about the quality of the springs, how to use hot water (luxury hanging water) landscapes, etc.! I remembered Sakunami Onsen in Miyagi Prefecture, but this is impossible for elderly people with poor legs because the stairs (buildings) that go down to the riverbank are very aging and there are very steep parts! (I wonder if heat shock is scary in winter) Unfortunately, people choose it, but it's the best open-air bath anyway. I'm glad that there are 4 bathtubs with different temperatures! There is also a women-only time from 7 am to 8 am, but I think it's okay to set it for another hour at night. On the contrary, I would like men to open an open-air bath exclusively for women during that time. There is one bathtub with different sources for men and women in the indoor bath, but this is a simple hot spring, and the ingredients are less than one-third compared to the main source, so I wonder if it is necessary to force it. There were many spider webs in the ventilation windows of the indoor bath, so do you want me to do my best to clean it ... Probably many rooms are not used, and despite the useless large building considering modern needs, I think it's very difficult to maintain few employees, but anyway, I think it's worth the stay just by taking the wonderful riverbank open-air bath. It is a recommended inn for those who like hot water who are not concerned with cleanliness and amenities.

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Hotels Near Famous Attractions in Nasushiobara

Check out these hotels located near popular sights in Nasushiobara


Pyramid Genki Onsen
3.9/53 Reviews

Pyramid Genki Onsen

Nasushiobara|2.93km from 田んぼアート那須塩原
This is a hot spring inn located behind the Nishinasuno Shiobara IC on the Tohoku Expressway and Nasunogahara Park/Horai's Senbonmatsu Ranch. It can be a little confusing for first-time visitors. A sphinx at the entrance, a pyramid in the building...a peacock to the right of the entrance? ? It is suspicious that there is a statue of a certain mouse left in the detached room. There are two parking lots, one half mud and the other paved. It hasn't changed much since I used it as a lodging facility for a certain track and field competition when I was in junior high school. In the past, it was a very reasonable price, such as 2000 yen for a room without meals, but recently it is quite expensive. If there is no one who is strong on the Internet, even if you make an online reservation, you will be scared on the day if you do not make a confirmation phone call in advance. Some rooms have a lot of mold and air conditioning does not work despite the high price setting. I can't really recommend it for families because it's a hit or miss. The essential hot spring is a hot spring full of Yuka. There are several types of baths with different temperatures in the mist sauna (?), and two open-air baths. The open-air bath here is basically hot in the summer and cold in the winter because you don't want to take a long bath. There is a deferred rinse-in shampoo, but depending on the person, it may not suit your skin, so it may be better to bring your own. There is a Mitsuya Cider Frozen vending machine. It's not far from the Tohoku Expressway interchange, so it might be good to go somewhere as a base. However, please note that Nasunogahara Park cannot be passed through depending on the time.

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三和住宅にしなすのスポーツプラザ (にしなすの運動公園)

Nogi Onsen Hotel
3.6/54 Reviews

Nogi Onsen Hotel

Nasushiobara|1.86km from 三和住宅にしなすのスポーツプラザ (にしなすの運動公園)
A hotel that seems to have been built during the bubble period, standing in the middle of the city. Looking at the number plate of the car, I get the impression that there are many visitors to the hot spring for a day trip. Go up the escalator and go to the front desk. The lobby was spacious with a free tea vending machine. The room was spacious and similar to a regular hotel room. There are also tea cakes, and there is also a ryokan-style aspect. The meal itself is kaiseki cuisine. There is nothing brand new at a reasonable price, and it is very ordinary. The dishes for elementary school children were very large, with appetizers, hamburgers, and crab cream croquettes. I was told that it was rice with matsutake mushrooms, but the presence of shimeji was so big that I didn't know where it was. I wonder if the last sweet potato mousse was distinctive. The large communal bath is spacious, and you can relax in both the indoor and outdoor baths. There is also a small sauna and cold water bath. As it is written as 100% source, you can see that the skin becomes smooth. The water was a little hot, but the children were in it all the time, so it might be the right temperature. Two types of shampoos were installed, and soap made at the hot spring was also placed. The bathing time is 24 hours and cleaning is done early in the morning, after that it is free to enter. Breakfast is buffet style. There were too few side dishes, and it was a bit different from the reviews. This is also a normal buffet dish, nothing special to mention. My companion was eating curry, but he said it was a commercial curry without ingredients. Imagine a breakfast at a business hotel. However, the venue for breakfast and dinner is the lounge on the top floor, so the view is outstanding. Judging by whether it will come again, it is subtle. Because there are no hotels in the area and no competitors, the service is minimal. My companion said that just putting coffee in the tea vending machine would make the customers more happy, and the elderly would be happy if they carried their luggage. For now, let's take advantage of the convenience of being in the city.

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Golf 5 (Nishi Nasuno Store)

Nogi Onsen Hotel
3.6/54 Reviews

Nogi Onsen Hotel

Nasushiobara|0.83km from Golf 5 (Nishi Nasuno Store)
A hotel that seems to have been built during the bubble period, standing in the middle of the city. Looking at the number plate of the car, I get the impression that there are many visitors to the hot spring for a day trip. Go up the escalator and go to the front desk. The lobby was spacious with a free tea vending machine. The room was spacious and similar to a regular hotel room. There are also tea cakes, and there is also a ryokan-style aspect. The meal itself is kaiseki cuisine. There is nothing brand new at a reasonable price, and it is very ordinary. The dishes for elementary school children were very large, with appetizers, hamburgers, and crab cream croquettes. I was told that it was rice with matsutake mushrooms, but the presence of shimeji was so big that I didn't know where it was. I wonder if the last sweet potato mousse was distinctive. The large communal bath is spacious, and you can relax in both the indoor and outdoor baths. There is also a small sauna and cold water bath. As it is written as 100% source, you can see that the skin becomes smooth. The water was a little hot, but the children were in it all the time, so it might be the right temperature. Two types of shampoos were installed, and soap made at the hot spring was also placed. The bathing time is 24 hours and cleaning is done early in the morning, after that it is free to enter. Breakfast is buffet style. There were too few side dishes, and it was a bit different from the reviews. This is also a normal buffet dish, nothing special to mention. My companion was eating curry, but he said it was a commercial curry without ingredients. Imagine a breakfast at a business hotel. However, the venue for breakfast and dinner is the lounge on the top floor, so the view is outstanding. Judging by whether it will come again, it is subtle. Because there are no hotels in the area and no competitors, the service is minimal. My companion said that just putting coffee in the tea vending machine would make the customers more happy, and the elderly would be happy if they carried their luggage. For now, let's take advantage of the convenience of being in the city.

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Yonoka Shiobara Michi-no-Eki

Shofuro Matsuya
4.8/56 Reviews

Shofuro Matsuya

Nasushiobara|5.43km from Yonoka Shiobara Michi-no-Eki
このたび塩原温泉を始めて利用させていただきました。 日帰りで利用したことはありましたが宿泊するのは松屋さんが初めてでした。 宿に到着するなりスタッフさんがダッシュで駆けつけてくれ車の移動をしてくださいました。車内が汚かったのでちょっぴり恥ずかしかったです。 旅館は4階建てでフロントがあるのは2階。てっきり1階だと思っていたのですが温泉旅館に多い1階は大浴場という構造になっています。 ラウンジでは無料でコーヒーなどをいただくことができます。 深めのソファーに腰を鎮めると気持ちよさに思わず眠ってしまいそうでした。 夕食は個室でいただくスタイル(朝食も)。 とにかく量が多くお品書きをみながら口にする幸せ。メニュー表記載の温泉地ビールを飲みたかったのですが現在扱っていないみたいで残念でした。 温泉は大浴場と露天があります。 今回はお風呂付の部屋ではなかったのでこの2つのお風呂のみの利用となりました。 温泉につかっていると目に入った謎の吊り橋。 後から知ったのですがその先には岩風呂と呼ばれるお風呂があったらしいのですが一昨年前の大雨で付近の岩が落石の危険性があることから利用できなくなったようです。露天風呂もいいのですがさらに自然を間近に感じられる野性味あふれる岩風呂利用したかっただけにかなり残念です。早く再開できることを祈っております。 最後に朝食についてきたフルーツのデザートですがフォークが無かったのでお箸でいただきました。箸だと食べづらいのと他の食材の香りが移ってしまうのでフォークなどを用意してくださると嬉しいです。 また利用するかと思いますがその際はよろしくお願いします。

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Top rated hotels in Nasushiobara

Looking for hotels in Nasushiobara? Get inspired by reviews from real travellers.
Shiobara Onsen Yama No Yado Shimofujiya
3.7/53 Reviews
Arrived before 15:00 and was waiting a little, but checked in during and after tea. The inn chosen by the cloudy hot water mania. The inner hot water was the best in 24 hours OK with cloudy hot water. From the source 78 ℃ hanging down. Time 々 staff temperature management. The source is hot in Dobadoba. However, the open-air bath is ordinary hot water. The view is zero and the expectation is off. It is on the stairs 30 meters away from the entrance with geta. Both customer service and meal were good. Dinner was a lot of items, beef shabu shabu, tempura and fried. I had delicious dessert as I wrote. Full! It is an inn I want to go again. I went to geta to the free joint bath in the neighborhood. Good hot water but narrow! The woman bath in the house is in the neighborhood? There were three cheerful grandmothers of the guests and they retired to 々 early.
Hotel Select Inn Nishinasuno Ekimae
3.3/548 Reviews
First of all, it is important whether it is for Nishi Nasuno Station. There is nothing around at all. There seems to be a convenience store in front of the hotel, but it was not available at 23:00 and I went to the family for about 15 minutes on foot. There seems to be a convenience store on the opposite ticket gate. The hotel room is retro, badly, dirty and smelly. It was a smoking room, so there was a smell. There was a caricature lending and coffee service. Breakfast was curry. There were other bread and side dishes. Cospa is good if you only stay, but couples will be hard to use. The bed was a big size.
Genbinoyado Aizuya
4.5/52 Reviews
I have traveled many times in Japan. The first time I recommended it to Naxu Yanyuan by a Japanese friend, I lived in Guxu Hot Spring Town. It was really great from the scenery to the food. The hotel is very Showa style, the area of the private soup room is huge in Japan, the service staff is also very kind and thoughtful, the important thing is that the first natural cave hot spring in Japan, the water quality is very special, the rocks are shining with copper green luster, I feel that I will absorb healthy trace elements after a while. The exhaustion of the day was swept away. Strangely, such a beautiful place almost - there are Japanese people traveling, probably too little publicity overseas. The refreshing air, the high-oxygen forests, lots of fun hiking/bike routes and pastures, and the delicious local ingredients and a variety of stylish or traditional restaurants, no wonder the emperor always likes to spend summer and autumn there, it is a great place.
Nogi Onsen Hotel
3.6/54 Reviews
A hotel that seems to have been built during the bubble period, standing in the middle of the city. Looking at the number plate of the car, I get the impression that there are many visitors to the hot spring for a day trip. Go up the escalator and go to the front desk. The lobby was spacious with a free tea vending machine. The room was spacious and similar to a regular hotel room. There are also tea cakes, and there is also a ryokan-style aspect. The meal itself is kaiseki cuisine. There is nothing brand new at a reasonable price, and it is very ordinary. The dishes for elementary school children were very large, with appetizers, hamburgers, and crab cream croquettes. I was told that it was rice with matsutake mushrooms, but the presence of shimeji was so big that I didn't know where it was. I wonder if the last sweet potato mousse was distinctive. The large communal bath is spacious, and you can relax in both the indoor and outdoor baths. There is also a small sauna and cold water bath. As it is written as 100% source, you can see that the skin becomes smooth. The water was a little hot, but the children were in it all the time, so it might be the right temperature. Two types of shampoos were installed, and soap made at the hot spring was also placed. The bathing time is 24 hours and cleaning is done early in the morning, after that it is free to enter. Breakfast is buffet style. There were too few side dishes, and it was a bit different from the reviews. This is also a normal buffet dish, nothing special to mention. My companion was eating curry, but he said it was a commercial curry without ingredients. Imagine a breakfast at a business hotel. However, the venue for breakfast and dinner is the lounge on the top floor, so the view is outstanding. Judging by whether it will come again, it is subtle. Because there are no hotels in the area and no competitors, the service is minimal. My companion said that just putting coffee in the tea vending machine would make the customers more happy, and the elderly would be happy if they carried their luggage. For now, let's take advantage of the convenience of being in the city.
Shiobara Onsen Yashio Lodge
3.8/591 Reviews
When I went to Shiobara Onsen hot spring, I stayed at Shiobara Onsen because it was a cheap inn. When I thought it was a cheap inn, it was a luxury hot spring inn along the national route, and there were facilities such as a large bath. However, since the meal is warmed by electronically with frozen lunch box, I can't taste the feeling that I came to the hot spring inn. There are also places where the public bath is cleaned in the bathtub and there are places where it is not.
Shofuro Matsuya
4.8/56 Reviews
このたび塩原温泉を始めて利用させていただきました。 日帰りで利用したことはありましたが宿泊するのは松屋さんが初めてでした。 宿に到着するなりスタッフさんがダッシュで駆けつけてくれ車の移動をしてくださいました。車内が汚かったのでちょっぴり恥ずかしかったです。 旅館は4階建てでフロントがあるのは2階。てっきり1階だと思っていたのですが温泉旅館に多い1階は大浴場という構造になっています。 ラウンジでは無料でコーヒーなどをいただくことができます。 深めのソファーに腰を鎮めると気持ちよさに思わず眠ってしまいそうでした。 夕食は個室でいただくスタイル(朝食も)。 とにかく量が多くお品書きをみながら口にする幸せ。メニュー表記載の温泉地ビールを飲みたかったのですが現在扱っていないみたいで残念でした。 温泉は大浴場と露天があります。 今回はお風呂付の部屋ではなかったのでこの2つのお風呂のみの利用となりました。 温泉につかっていると目に入った謎の吊り橋。 後から知ったのですがその先には岩風呂と呼ばれるお風呂があったらしいのですが一昨年前の大雨で付近の岩が落石の危険性があることから利用できなくなったようです。露天風呂もいいのですがさらに自然を間近に感じられる野性味あふれる岩風呂利用したかっただけにかなり残念です。早く再開できることを祈っております。 最後に朝食についてきたフルーツのデザートですがフォークが無かったのでお箸でいただきました。箸だと食べづらいのと他の食材の香りが移ってしまうのでフォークなどを用意してくださると嬉しいです。 また利用するかと思いますがその際はよろしくお願いします。

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Local Travel Info

Highest PriceINR 126,444
Lowest PriceINR 2,529
Number of Reviews414
Number of Hotels188
Average Price (Weekdays)INR 18,659
Average Price (Weekends)INR 20,954