Room cleanliness and air conditioning were good. Beds were comfy. Breakfast was simple but good in quality. However the breakfast queue was long and food replenishment was not done in pace with the flow, ended up in a long queue not moving as people stayed in the front of the queue stayed in the queue waiting for replenishment. The dinning space was insufficient that could not accommodate the big crowd.
We ran into issue setting up the sofa bed. Calling the front desk asking for assistance we were stunned by a reply saying they would not send staff to help but urging us to try for another attempts and kept reassuring us the sofa bed operation was simple and easy. Finally we got that sorted out with help from other hotel customers..
A major disappointment that totally ruined my experience with the hotel was the way my enquiry was handled towards an unknown charge after I checked out.
In the check out bill, it was just a charge billed to my credit card without indicating what service or item I was billed for. While my family did not order or buy anything at all from the hotel and we were in a rush, I did not check the bill upon check out until 5 days later I saw it in my credit card account. I sent an email to the hotel reservation (that was the only email channel I found from the hotel home page) to enquire about the charge and no reply was received ever towards my enquiry and that's what I was hit. Although the unknown charge was refunded after another week, I did not feel good with the way they work. I frankly accept mistakes made by the front desk or the account team for incorrect bill, but I do not accept ignorance and zero communication from the backend on my enquiry. This is something the hotel should improve.