Lucca.B Lee
April 26, 2022
소소한(?)단점들이 없지는 않지만(엘리베이터 없음 등등..),
비수기여서 그런가, 가격이 착해 가성비는 갑이었다.
방, 청결, 조식 등등... 모두 만족스러웠으며, 스탭들도 매우 친절했습니다.
나의 요청에 최선을 다해 도와주었으며,
한국에 비하면 당연히 느린 편이지만, 이탈리아에서는 상당히 일처리가 빠른 편이었다.
언젠가 다시 방문할때까지 스탭분들 모두 그 미소를 잃지않고 계시기를 기원한다.
Although not without minor (?) disadvantages (no elevator, etc..),
Probably because it was the off-season, the price was good and the value for money was good.
The room, cleanliness, breakfast, etc... All were satisfactory, and the staff were very friendly.
I did my best to help with my request,
Of course, compared to Korea, it was slow, but in Italy, the work was done fairly quickly.
I hope that all the staff will not lose their smile until they visit again someday.