Latest Hotels Reviews for Suqian

Suqian Yongheng Express Hotel (Xuecheng Road)
4.5/56 Reviews
Loma Lake and Santai Montain Forest Park
The location is next to the forest farm, and it is quite quiet at night. It is next to Suqian Child Normal College, and there are many snacks and foods nearby. The accommodation is quite clean.
Santaishan RV Tree House Resort
4.7/5209 Reviews
Loma Lake and Santai Montain Forest Park
不知道還以為來到了三亞~ 設施:選了十米房車的户型,庭院很大,房車也很夢幻,從內到外充滿了孩子喜歡的動漫元素。房車內設施一應俱全,入住前管家已經貼心的給開好了空調。右邊房間一張大床,房車中部有個很寬的沙發,另一頭還有一個特別有意思的上下鋪,我家孩子太小不能單獨睡,但是在這個上下鋪爬上爬下玩的不亦樂乎。淋浴房略小,但是熱水供應很充足,連續洗澡完全沒問題。衞生間對面的洗臉枱旁邊,還安排了一個小童洗手池,很貼心。洗漱用具也考慮到了小童,專門為小童配了牙刷和卡通漱口杯。 衞生:房車內打掃的很乾凈,被子和沙發上還有服務員精心用毛巾和花瓣擺出來的造型,很滿意。 環境:空氣清新,天然氧吧,伴着偶爾傳來的鳥鳴聲,感覺整個人都輕鬆了很多。房車位置很好,距離餐廳,彩虹沙灘,鏡湖,花海都非常近,推着娃散着步,很愜意。 服務:真的要給酒店的服務點贊。酒店的工作人員對待遊客很用心。前台的接待小哥很有禮貌,辦理入住很愉快,擺渡車來的也很快。管家姐姐超貼心,入住前給開好了空調,幫忙拿行李,並詳細的介紹房車房間的使用方法和注意事項。我們遊玩時候有把傘落在觀光小火車上了,聯繫管家,第一時間幫我們找回並送到了房間門口。每次請管家幫忙聯繫擺渡車,管家還會貼心的詢問是否及時乘到了車。因為帶了孩子,喝水比較多,水不夠喝,聯繫管家馬上就給送過來。不誇張的説,服務甚至要趕超三亞的大部分五星酒店。我是徐州人,前段時間在網上看到大家批評徐州的酒店又貴又差,我自己也是深有體會,真的要像隔壁宿遷兄弟好好學習了! 餐飲:酒店的免費早餐很豐盛,大人和孩子都吃的很好,忘記拍圖了... 菜品種類是要比clubmed,喜來登這些五星級酒店的要少,但是我感覺好吃程度一點也不遜色😋 該有的都有!誇張的是放鹹菜的地方竟然還有醃鳳爪~你們不知道這玩意在長沙,一小份都要50多塊嘛🤦♂️ 酒店裡還有好幾個餐廳,我們晚餐選擇的是房車旁邊這個餐廳,很乾凈,而且備註了有孩子,所有菜都不要放辣椒,聽見服務員和大廚在裏面大聲叮囑了好幾次,絕對是現做的!菜品味道不錯,價格放在景區裏也不算貴。 增值服務:酒店免費停車,還贈送了景區門票和小童探險樂園的門票,超值!小童探險樂園很大,除了各種主題的攀巖、各項戲水遊戲外,還有個萌寵樂園,裏面有孔雀,鴯鶓,小浣熊,梅花鹿,羊駝(這個傢伙當時不知道跑哪去了),猴子,小松鼠,雞鴨鵝等一眾小動物,孩子比較小,對這些比較感興趣。反倒是那些探險項目,建議孩子大一點再去,至少四歲以上吧我感覺。 非常棒的一次親子游體驗,還會再來~
4.2/52 Reviews
Loma Lake and Santai Montain Forest Park
The room is large, the facilities are very new, very clean, and the parking is convenient. It is very close to the Luoma Lake Scenic Area. It's not convenient to eat.
Shuang Xing International Hotel
4.9/5566 Reviews
Loma Lake and Santai Montain Forest Park
The service of the hotel is really worthy of praise. I decided to go to Suqian on the spur of the moment. Less than half an hour after I booked the hotel, the hotel manager Wang (whose full name I found out when I left was Wang Lina) contacted me to see if I could bring my children and what time I would arrive. Knowing that there were children, we gave them small gifts and welcome fruit drinks. The most surprising thing was that Manager Wang told us that there would be a midnight snack (tangyuan dumplings) in the evening. No matter what time it was, we told them in advance that they would be cooked fresh. The hotel really wanted to Very thoughtful. Must like The hotel room is quite decent, with a large bathtub, and is very cost-effective at this price. Breakfast is worth mentioning. There are many kinds of local pancakes. The breakfast waiter also brought me into the VIP breakfast area to pick up food. It was really nice. All in all, I give full marks to this experience. If I still have the chance to go, I will choose it again.
Suqian Shangshu Hotel
4.6/53 Reviews
Loma Lake and Santai Montain Forest Park
Originally, the expectations were not high, and the expectations were much higher after the stay. The room was very clean and tidy, the sheets were very clean, the room had no taste, good, recommended
4.7/55 Reviews
Loma Lake and Santai Montain Forest Park
The room is very clean, the service is good, the price is very high

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Hotel Information for Travelers

Number of Hotels2,323
Number of Reviews110,176
Lowest PriceCAD 8
Highest PriceCAD 157
Average Price (Weekdays)CAD 33
Average Price (Weekends)CAD 33