24/7 JourneyIndonesia

Traditional Sundanese Restaurant

This is the first Sundanese restaurant in aste in Bandung city, a traditional Sundanese culture felt so strong by the crowds you will see, because the way to choose foods is queing among the lines. You choose what you see, but, it is not buffet price☺ Tons of menus served and all of them are locals foods, it is the best choice if you want to have Sundanese experience. They serve you like liwet rice / nasi liwet, nasi bakar, fish, grilled chicken, etc. Some menus also quite attractive likes : grilled bamboo fish and grilled bamboo chicken, they wrapped the baracuda fish or chicken seasoned with spices inside the banana leafs, then put it into the bamboo. They also serve sweet fried jengkol, sautee vegetables, and lots of menus. After you choose, the servant will note it in small yellow paper, then give it you. The servant will prepare your foods, some like tempe/tahu/chicken will be grilled or fry or reheat as your request. Some waiter & waitress bring small snacks on a tray and offer them to each tables and each customers. In my attention, what they bring on tray is foods which is its hot/warmth cannot last longer like fried banana, fried cireng, cimol etc.. perhaps they offer it directly to each customer to make it sold out faster. If you like and choose one or some, they will note in small yellow paper then give it to you. After you choose all foods, you will give those small yellow papers to the cashier. The cashier will note it and give you the bill you have to pay. As its name *ALAS DAUN* meaning the leaf, you will eat on banana leaf, not on plates. So, it is a naturally interesting experience. The plates they use for the menus you have chosen is rattan wicker style, topped with banana leaf. For drinks, they serve plain hot tea, free refill as much as you want. The waiter / waitress will go around the restaurants to each tables to pour the hot tea. Plain hot tea suits the foods, and warm the stomach, i could say i love the style they arrange the restaurant. Price : 15-35k per menus
Posted: Nov 28, 2021
2 people found this moment helpful
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Restaurant Alas Daun

Cihapit | Jl Citarum 34, Bandung, Indonesia
Asian Cuisine
INR 547
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