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Latest Hotels Reviews for Ningguo

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Ningguo Wooden Villa of the World
4.3/579 Reviews
The environment is in a good location and the service staff are very enthusiastic. But this hotel may be built earlier, the housing facilities are a bit old, except for the wooden house, other villas and hotels do not seem to be open to the outside world. In addition to the glass trestle, all other projects are gone, and it feels a bit deserted. It is said to be renovating and upgrading. I feel that this place is suitable for large-scale group building and company activities, not suitable for short stays in family travel with few people (maybe because it is too big, you can't see people after dinner at night), the first stop in Sichuan-Tibet in southern Anhui is a bit unworthy of its name.
Ningguo Youjian Shanhe Homestay (South Anhui Sichuan-Line Sequoia Forest Branch)
4.8/5146 Reviews
Great surprise in the journey of the southern Anhui Xiaochuan Tibetan line! After experiencing the traffic jam in Moon Bay, the chaos of water and water rafting management queued for five hours and left again and again, finally arrived at 21:00 and saw Shanhe again. Everyone was very enthusiastic. We were hungry and we had a hot meal and rested early. Surprise came ~~ Open the curtains at 6 o'clock in the morning, the redwood forest scenic spot is printed into your eyes, the fairy spirit is floating, very beautiful, immediately go to the third floor terrace to record this beautiful moment. I slept back to the cage again and got up to eat the simple but exquisite breakfast prepared by the hotel. I really felt that happiness was coming back soon. The homestay also helped to contact the bamboo raft. Our two big and two small chartered boats are full of experience. If you go to Xiaochuan-Tibet in southern Anhui, it must be because you see Shanlin again.
At All Seasons Guesthouse
4.7/5246 Reviews
The homestay is very close to the town. It is convenient and the environment is good. The children are very happy. Although the pool is small, it is very clean. The public area is also equipped with a chess and card room. There is a fireplace. It must be very atmospheric in winter.
JH holiday lnn
4.7/5838 Reviews
性價比很高👍酒店就在西津河邊,河兩岸有完善的步道和美麗的夜景,晚飯後沿着河岸散步特別愜意。酒店房間很乾凈,設施維護得也好。入住很愉快。 酒店餐廳的魚片鍋很不錯,吃得出魚肉是現殺的,很新鮮。老闆娘是上海人,非常熱情,還送了我們粑粑,為我們的出遊更添一份快樂。謝謝😊
Backlight Resort B&B (Ningguo Sequoia Forest Scenic Area Branch)
4.8/5148 Reviews
三月春暖,萬物復甦。 雖然還沒有到看紅杉林的季節, 但是皖南川藏線的這條路, 不同的季節裏都會有不同的風景。 我們就悠悠的開着車,盤着山, 來到了這個像城堡、像山莊、的度假酒店啦~ 我們到達的時候是傍晚時分,還下着雨, 矇矇亮的天空下, 整棟酒店建築靜靜佇立在山間, 槍灰色的外牆,在山林間毫不突兀、 彷彿它本就屬於這裏。 住了一晚後,先給結論: 小兩口、或是帶娃、或是全家組團、 再或者是獨自一人想要找個山間居所 修身養性也好,都很適合啦~ 🍃環境清幽 依山觀山,除了建造了這棟房子外,對周圍環境都沒有做過大的改造動作。你能拾級而上,在幾棵松樹下找到一把舒適的椅子,輕鬆坐下、與樹閑話;也能鑽進某個放在小池塘旁邊的帳篷,端坐看水面與雜木糾纏。 不吝嗇開燈,夜晚望向窗外,不是黑壓壓的一片,零星的點光源衹讓人覺得温馨。早晨在床上睜開眼,就能看到窗外清脆的常青樹林,開門走上陽台,鳥鳴啾啾。 🍃乾淨、高級 每個房間的設計都是不一樣的,大量的落地窗,交錯的內部建築形式,以及無法讓人忽略的大師款傢俱,樣樣用心。 出來住酒店,總要住的比自己家好,才算值回了,對吧? 床品、毛巾都很乾凈,一開始擔心山裡會不會有黴味(曾經住山裡民宿的一些噩夢般的記憶),完全沒有哈。乾燥、清爽、沒有味道,直接躺被窩裡,也沒有任何皮膚的不適。這點非常棒。 一些超出常規的配置:每個房間裏都有一個 HCK 的定製款小冰箱;茶包是茶裏、川寧、配陶瓷茶杯;除了礦泉水還送了巴黎水;洗髮水、護髮素、沐浴露還有潤膚乳,是歐舒丹的;一次性拖鞋質量好到想帶走;給浴缸搭配了泡澡球和一次性泡澡袋…… 🍃舒適、便捷 停車場裏有充電樁,對於遠道而來的電車車主們,太友好了;店裡提供早餐、如果需要的話可點中餐或燒烤;周邊非常安靜,但也不至於荒郊野嶺的、走幾步拐個彎有住户、酒店的兩頭都是大路。 有很多為小朋友準備的玩耍設施,老闆説天熱了還會在院子裏放充氣泳池,大人孩子都喜歡。特意問了能不能帶狗,衹要加一些清潔費就可以,寵物也友好。 —————— 我們來的時候是雨天,走的時候是陰天,沒能見到陽光灑下來的樣子。期待暑假的時候再來,蹭小朋友的泳池一起玩。
Ningguo International Hotel
4.4/5391 Reviews
The hotel is located in a prosperous area, so it's great to shop and eat. It is especially worth recommending that the breakfast is rich and not too good. If I go to Ningguo next time, I will stay in this conscience hotel again.

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Hotel Information for Travelers

Highest PriceINR 503,906
Lowest PriceINR 1,416
Number of Reviews3,775
Number of Hotels15
Average Price (Weekdays)INR 11,944
Average Price (Weekends)INR 12,364