Top rated hotels in Baku

Maajid Hotel
4.3/535 Reviews
Baku Old Town
Small, cozy hotel in the old town. Located at the back of the street, in the courtyard, so the rooms are quiet. You can't hear cars or people. Metro 3 minutes walk. The room was deluxe, clean and spacious. Everything is there for a comfortable stay. Elevator . Breakfast is included, each is served on a tray. No choice. I advise you to pay only upon arrival. We were paid by the locals through Booking from their card and at the reception they could not find the payment. Receptionists for the work score two. Zero information and attention. And so the hotel is very worthy for its price in the city center. A small, cozy hotel in the old town. Located at the back of the street, in the courtyard, so the rooms are quiet. You can't hear cars or people. Metro 3 minutes walk. The room was deluxe, clean and spacious. Everything is there for a comfortable stay. Elevator . Breakfast is included, each is served on a tray. No choice. I advise you to pay only upon arrival. We were paid by the locals through Booking from their card and at the reception they could not find the payment. Receptionists for the work score two. Zero information and attention. And so the hotel is very worthy for its price in the city center.
Promenade Hotel Baku
4.1/550 Reviews
Baku Old Town
I am still in this hotel and expects to check out next day. First thing first, I booked 2 nights and the first room they allocated was 323. Noisy from karaoke or band till 11.30Pm even with soundproofing. The bed, kingsize but on the right side sank and if you were to roll to the left side you will feel it feels higher and also the design of the toilet is atrocious seemingly clean at a glance but look closer. The toilet hanger is so high up only tall people can reach the towels. I feedback and was given another room 325. It was better but cleanliness of toilet is still substandard. Next, I checked out after the 2nd night when I queried if I could stow my luggage in the hotel to stay in Sheki for 1 night. They accepted to store my luggage. The day after, I return to check in again for 1 more night and this is my last night in this country. When I enquired with the reception about my luggage, he went out of the reception went to the lobby corner and pull my luggage. I was horrified to see all these while it was not stowed properly in a store room but pushed at one corner of the hotel lobby out in the open where there is a lot of traffic. When enquired with the staff why is this so, he did not response and looked *****ic at me. When I arrived from Tbilisi I had encountered attempted theft from tbilisi airport and now this. This is too much stress for a holiday. The reason for choosing this hotel is because they are near the old city and they have a lift. Find elsewhere they have no regards for people's property.
Shirvanshah Hotel
4.3/526 Reviews
Baku Old Town
Lovely hotel located in the Old City of Baku. The check-in was really quick. The hotel room was spacious & clean. The hotel staff were very polite and helpful. Anything required was provided immediately. The restaurant (Natavan restaurant) on the 4th floor had a lovely view of the entire city. The food was good. However, I hope they could improve a bit on the breakfast. The breakfast served was mostly the traditional dishes. Overall it was was good, However, they need to keep some more hot breakfast items. The best part of staying at this hotel was the location. Everything was a 5 - 10 min walk to most of the tourist attractions - Shirvanshah Palace, Miniature book museum, the double gates, Nizami street, Phalharmony gardens etc...
Two Seasons Boutique Hotel Baku
4.6/520 Reviews
Baku Old Town
I would highly recommend this hotel! - Hotel location is perfect: in the beautiful old town. Everything within Old town, Nizami street, Baku Promenade and Highland Park are within walking distance. Old city Metro station is near to the hotel in case we want to travel to attractions not within walking distance. - Room was big and clean, and I had a very comfortable stay and good sleep during my 3 nights in Baku. Heating was perfect and balcony was cute offering views to the Flame towers - Staff were lovely: Leyla, Javid, Yousef and one more (forgot the name) - Breakfast was sumptuous and filling. I always had a good start to the day thanks to the breakfast. Also, breakfast is served from 7:30 am unlike 8:00 am which I liked a lot - Leyla and the hotel staff also helped me book a day trip to Guba and Khinaliq in Caucasus Mountains which was amazing
Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel
3.3/57 Reviews
Baku Old Town
這麼多年來周遊各國,這是第一次憤怒的給一家酒店寫差評,目的是提醒大家注意,千萬不要上當受騙,以下是本人在Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel的真實經歷,絕無虛言: 1 本人於2019年8月份通過booking在Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel以每晚162AZN的價格預訂了10月初一間房兩晚住宿,結果入住當天被告知無房,被安排到另外一家飯店入住,細節是Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel當時的前台完全不能講英語,是通過電話與酒店的另一個人(可能是老闆,我不確認)溝通,我反覆追問原因,但是對方完全不解釋,衹是説這是他們的問題,會給我們安排新酒店入住,因為覺得自己臨時找飯店比較麻煩,就同意去另外一家酒店看看情況; 2 新的酒店(這裏就不提名字了)距離Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel兩百多米,拖着行李在巴庫老城汗流浹背的上坡才到達,公平的説,這家酒店房間還行,衹是有些年頭,所以設施比較老舊,新酒店前台帶我看了兩種房型,我選了比較大的suite,價格為每晚120AZN,我當時就交了現金共240AZN給酒店前台,從這裏funny party starts。 3 在我交完錢入住了十幾分鍾之後,酒店前台到我房間把240AZN又還給了我,説我不用付錢,因為已經由一家travel agency付過了,我還以為是Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel因為overbooking的原因做的補償,事實證明是我想多了; 4 第二天晚上我們返回酒店,前台告訴我Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel找我有事,打電話過去,那邊一小姑娘上來就説要收房錢,我一想也對,沒有白吃的午餐,就叫對方派人來我這兒收錢,十幾分鍾之後,來了一哥們,遞給我一張紙條,上面寫着應付款數目,我一看Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel居然還是按照162AZN每晚的價錢收的,當然拒付,這哥們説不關他事,讓我和Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel的前台直接聯繫,對方還是那小姑娘,噼裏啪啦的説了一堆廢話,大意是我的訂單是在她們那兒下的,所以錢也得付給她們,而且得按照訂單上的金額全額付款,我火大了,告訴她新的酒店這邊和我説過價錢是120AZN每晚,而且我都付過錢又被退了,overbooking本來就是Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel的問題,現在你們居然還想吃差價,我絕對不會付款,小姑娘問我是誰告訴120AZN這價錢的,我説你直接找我這邊酒店前台聯繫,就掛了電話。 5 十幾分鍾之後,我收到了booking的通知,Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel以我沒有按時入住為由把訂單取消了!我在booking上陳述了理由,然後又花了大量時間和我這邊的酒店溝通付款事宜,大約1個小時之後被告知還是以120AZN每晚的價格直接在這邊付款。 這次在巴庫遭遇到的絕對是最不愉快、最為惡劣的商家,本人這些年來去過30幾個國家,通過booking也預訂過10幾個國家數十個酒店,這是第一次遇見overbooking的事情,我後來在booking上看到9月份同樣有中國人入住,其中一間房overbooking被換到其它飯店,我可以合理推測: 1 Overbooking這種事在Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel絕對不是偶然事件,而是經常發生,甚至是酒店有意為之; 2 如果本次overbooking衹是一個個例,一個誠信的酒店正常做法應該是將遊客轉移到一個同檔次、同價位甚至略高標準的酒店入住,但Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel很顯然會將遊客轉移至其它較便宜的飯店,並通過收取與原訂單同樣的金額賺取差價; 3 本次事件的真相得以暴露,是因為後面這家酒店的前台缺乏經驗,直接把價錢告訴了我,並且收了錢,雖然後來被Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel提醒之後又把錢退了回來,但是我已經知道了這家酒店的真實價格,否則的話我應該會老老實實的按原訂單金額付款。 由於booking的評價機制設計為如果沒能完成入住則不能發表評論,而我的訂單已經被Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel取消,所以無法在booking上對本次事件發表評論,衹能到貓途鷹上向所有人發出警告,一定小心這家行事惡劣、極不誠信的酒店! I ensure that the following content is based on my real experience without any lies: 1. I placed an order via Booking with Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel in August, 2018. The order is for one room and 2 nights with planned check-in date at beginning of October, 2019 and price of 162 AZN per night. When we arrived at the hotel, the front desk guy, who can not speak English, handed me a mobile phone. The speaker may be the owner of Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel but I am not sure, I was told the hotel is overbooked and they will transfer us to another hotel. I asked several times for the reason but the speaker proveded no explanation and just repeated that we will be transerred to another hotel. Considering the fact that it is difficult to find a new hotel on our own given such a short notice, I agreed to take a look at the new hotel. 2. The new one (I don't want to mention the exact name of this hotel as what happened is totally not their business) is ~200m from Deniz Inn Boutique Hotel. The front desk guy showed me 2 types of rooms and I chose the suite. I was told the price is 120 AZN per night and I paid for 2 nights in cash. Now the funny story started. 3. 3 Several
Da Vinci Hotel
4.2/513 Reviews
Baku Old Town
The hotel is located in the old city and it is convenient to all places. It should be opened soon, the hardware facilities are great (as far as the old city is concerned), and the toilets are in good condition. There is no elevator in the hotel, and the old city hotels seem to be like this. The roads in the old city are not suitable for sunk boxes, and taxis can't reach the door of the hotel directly, so living in the old city is suitable for tourists who don't have much luggage. But what made me unhappy during the whole journey was the hotel’s service. I booked for three consecutive nights through Ctrip. I didn’t rest assured that I contacted the hotel via Facebook to confirm the reservation. The hotel responded to the reservation and received it, but when I arrived at the hotel more than 11pm on the first day , The hotel said that there was no room for the first night, and sent me to the hotel next door. The next door was just a small bed and breakfast. The room was less than 10 square meters and had a double bed. The 29-inch box I brought could not be fully opened. I booked with Da Vinci The rooms are totally unmatched, and the hotel’s approach is totally unintelligible! I originally said that I could move back after 12 noon the next day. I went to the hotel reception to confirm at 12:30 and agreed to move, but after I moved in, I told the room that the room was not cleaned. I asked me to wait for half an hour and I sat in the hotel. The front desk waited for more than 2 hours... before finally entering the room, the hotel front desk did not help at all during the coordination period, just let me wait, which was very unhappy! The most uncomfortable experience in the whole process! The front desk service of the hotel was particularly bad, including asking for help to get a taxi later, no matter how short the distance was. The picture was sent to the guest house next door to me. Da Vinci is the same as the picture on the website, and there is no other picture if he is in a bad mood.

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Number of Hotels5,153
Number of Reviews3,100
Lowest PriceINR 1,014
Highest PriceINR 100,184
Average Price (Weekdays)INR 10,816
Average Price (Weekends)INR 10,896